Electric City Logistics LLC

Discover efficient, tax-free preparation and warehouse solutions for your E-Commerce business

Rely on us to get the job done 

When you want something done right, the saying goes, you do it yourself. However, for all your prepping, packing, and shipping needs, turn to us! Electric City Logistics is fast, efficient, thorough, and dedicated to helping your business succeed. Nestled under the expansive sky of Great Falls, Montana, we provide tax-free services, no matter where you reside. Plus, when you sign up for our services, we'll waive the storage fee for the first three weeks—absolutely free!

We uphold the highest values

At Electric City Logistics, we're committed to upholding the highest standards in everything we do. Our core values guide our actions and ensure we provide exceptional service to our clients.


We strive for efficiency and accuracy in every aspect of our fulfillment process, ensuring your orders are handled with precision and care.


We understand the importance of timely delivery. We prioritize meeting deadlines and exceeding expectations to keep your business running smoothly.


We value transparency and open communication, building trust with our clients through reliable service and ethical practices.

Affordable prices

Our fair and competitive pricing ensures you get reliable shipping without breaking the bank or your schedule. We handle the logistics, so you can focus on what truly matters.